Everyone has a different opinion on horoscopes. Some are avid readers of everything they can find about their horoscope while others just do it for a bit of fun. I fall in the latter category. As humans are complex beings and the characteristics described by your star can’t possibly be true for every person. However, that is not to say that I am bashing anyone who believes in such things. After all, it is an interesting thing.
Well, one person wanted to take it a step further. They wanted to describe the twelve horoscopes through Scream characters. If you haven’t watched scream, then my first question would be: Have you been living under a rock? And that you should definitely watch it after you finish reading this of course. Because the movie will shed a lot more light on these characters. You can see that for yourself by scrolling below.
Source: Facebook
While astrology has been debunked by science many times, many people still like to belive the power of their star signs. While I can say some of the characteristics described for my star sign are true, at least one characteristic will fit anyone so it is really not that hard to guess. And no matter what some say, Astrology doesn’t fall into the bounds of science. It is more about faith and such rather than hard facts. But when has that stopped people before?
Some star signs are apparently not good in a panicked situation. And you should always ask someones star sign before you take them with you in the Zombie apocalypse or if a person in a ghost mask is chasing you around with a knife.
What do you think of these horoscopes? Do they fit you to a T? Comment down below and let us know.