
20 Horrific Images Of Deep Sea Creatures That Are Not For Someone With Thalassophobia

This is why Scuba Divers need to be trained.

You would think anyone who can swim perfectly would be able to go deep under the ocean to see what is around ins scuba gear. But it is not that easy. The deeper you go, the less oxygen you will find and there is also the pressure that comes from swimming so deep. Not only that but it is incredibly dark so you are unable to see much even with a light over your head. 

That is probably why creatures who live close to the sea bed are so different. They have evolved over the years and adapted to the darkness to hunt their prey. Some of these horrific creatures have teeth that are bigger than their whole size while others catch their prey with their glowing fins. They may look colorful but their venom can end anyone’s life unlucky enough to encounter these creatures. 

#1 This monstrosity is known as Fanfin Seadevil.

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#2 A goblin shark is found at 3000 feet and found very rarely.

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#3 This Viperfish is somewhat clear and can hunt in complete darkness.

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#4 Most of us know the Snaggletooth because of its long teeth and the glow on its front that it uses to attract it’s prey.

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#5 This Frilled Shark apparently catches prey like a snake and swallows them whole.

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#6 The Fang Tooth gets its name because of it’s sharp teeth even though it is quite small.

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#7 Hatchetfishes are able to glow in the dark and are found as deep as 6000 feet.

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#8 This fish gets the name Stargazer because it’s eyes are situated on top of its body and it is also quite venomous.

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#9 Grenadiers are also known as Rattails

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#10 Those are actually spikes and not fur on this Kiwa Crab.

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Most of these creatures stay hidden in the deep parts of the ocean and are rarely seen by people. The only reason we have ever found them is because of curious scuba divers and scientists who wanted to study these creatures. Some of these sea animals are older than humanity itself which is a feat in and of itself. But they have still survived and they will continue to thrive.

#11 This is one of the largest squid ever find coming at about 43 feet long.

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#12 This is known as the Batfish and they can lure animals with their mouths.

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#13 These huge Isopods don’t eat very much and can conserve their energy by floating around.

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#14 This is blob fish and is found around 2000 to 3900 feet.

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#15 The snakehead fish can live on the land for a few days as well.

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#16 This Octopus might look pretty but it is very venomous and has no antidote.

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#17 This is the Mantis Shrimp and he can be incredibly quick when catching it’s prey despite it’s small size.

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#18 This Amphipod can only grow up 5 inches and usually scavenges for food.

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#19 Frogfish is an expert at camouflage which protects them from other predators.

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#20 This Seadragon might look like leafs but it uses this deception to stay safe from other sea creatures.

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Have you ever seen any of these sea creatures before? Let us know in the comments below as to which one you liked the best.

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