23 Horror Movie Characters In Real Life
By Sara
February 21, 2020
4 minutes read
If you’re a fan of horror movies, you’ve come to the right place.
I’m always freaked out after watching horror movies, I wish they would add bloopers or something at the end of the film. That would soothe the tension. If you’re a horror movie fan and want to dig deeper, here are your favourite horror movie characters in real life.
They aren’t as scary in real life, so don’t worry. All these amazing actors contributed a lot to the horror industry so they deserve the credit. Scroll down below to see them:
1. Valak – Bonnie Aarons (The Conjuring 2, 2016)
Todd Williamson
2. Pennywise – Tim Curry (It, 1990)
Jim Spellman
3. Samara – Daveigh Chase (The Ring, 2002)
Donato Sardella
4. Pale Man – Doug Jones (Pan’s Labyrinth, 2006)
Albert L. Ortega
5. Kayako – Takako Fuji (The Grudge, 2004)
Barry King
6. Toshio – Yuya Ozeki (Ju-On, 2002)
7. Alien – Bolaji Badejo (Alien, 1979)
8. Freddy Krueger – Robert Englund (A Nightmare On Elm Street, 1984)
Jun Sato
9. Regan Macneil – Linda Blair (The Exorcist, 1973)
10. Bride In Black – Tom Fitzpatrick (Insidious: Chapter 2, 2013)
Scott McKInley
11. Leprechaun — Warwick Davis (Leprechaun, 1993)
Dave J Hogan
12. Pinhead – Doug Bradley (Hellraiser, 1987)
Bobby Bank
13. Michael Myers – Nick Castle (The Halloween, 1978)
14. Leatherface – Gunnar Hansen (The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, 1974)
15. The Creeper – Jonathan Breck (Jeepers Creepers, 2001)
Jeffrey Mayer
16. Sam – Quinn Lord (Trick ‘r Treat, 2007)
17. Captain Spaulding – Sid Haig (The Devil’s Rejects, 2005)
Sue Schneider
18. Jason Voorhees – Kane Hodder (Friday The 13th, 1980)
19. Pumpkinhead – Tom Woodruff Jr. (Pumpkinhead, 1988)
Albert L. Ortega /
20. Ghostface – Dane Farwell (Scream, 1996)
21. The Collector – Juan Fernández (The Collector, 2009)
22. Radford – Arthur Roberts (Midnight Movie, 2008)
23. The Miner – Chris Carnel (My Bloody Valentine, 2009)
Do you have any favourite characters? Let us know in the comments below.
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