I don’t what it is but some of us willingly want to go to places which are famous for being haunted. It is probably because many people don’t believe in ghosts and such and are down to explore the scariest places in the world. Well, if you are one of these people and want to see what all the fuss is about, we have made a handy dandy list for you.
This is especially true if you live in Europe because it would be much easier to travel. Some of these might even be in your country. From haunted houses, cemeteries with open bones lying around to the castle that inspired Dracula, we have it all. So scroll below to take a look for yourself. And don’t worry you won’t get cursed just by reading about the places.
This bonehouse was created because the town didn’t have enough space for burying their families. So they created an underground home for the deceased. People come here to pray for their family and decorate the bones.
Only the rich can get their deceased housed here since it is an expensive process. The embalming technique is quite unique which leads to the appearances shown in these pictures.
This is an abandoned church and an artist by the name of Jakub Hadvara wanted to honor all the people passed away because of the collpasing of this church. He did so by creating these ghostly statues with plaster.
This is known as the most Haunted forest in the world and for good reason. Not only have there been many reported sightings of weird things but the place is also barren with nature all around it.
This is actually a place of worship for many people. This hill houses more than 100,000 crosses with more being added everyday.
I think we have all at least heard about this castle. People who visit this place report hearing screams of ghost and such.
This house has been abandoned for centuries since many people believe the original owners used to kidnap girls and torture them in the basement.
This is also known as the Bone Church and it gets it’s name because it is fully decorated with bones of the deceased. It is mostly filled with the bones of those who passed away because of The Black Plague.
Many people belive this to be Dracula’s Castle and while others think this was the inspiration for the creation of Dracula’s Castle. Whatever the truth may be, we can all admit it is quite creepy in a grandiose sort of way.
Would you ever visit any of these places? Let us know in the comments below.