And that is perfectly okay. Humanity has changed a lot in past years and that means that some things that were normal once feel weird these days. However, weirdness is not the only thing you will feel once you take a look at these because some of these are truly terrifying. From spiders that lure you with a face of a coin to horrifying snake costumes, we have compiled everything we could find from the dark place the Internet houses.
You can see this for yourself by scrolling below. However, a little warning beforehand as there are going to be a few insects on this list. So if you are not comfortable with the creepy crawlies, I would recommend you skip this one and take a look at the several other creepy articles our website has. Now, since we have that out of the way, we can get onto the good stuff.
#1 If I saw this in the middle of the night, I’d be terrified.
There are many weird phenomenons in the world which cannot be explained away easily. And then there are the things that are quite common but no one knows about. Like the above spiky lens, a lot of people use it and, I can guarantee most of us didn’t know about the contact lenses. Then there is also the spider with a coin for a face. Who would have thought something like that could exist?
#26 This looks more like Silent Hill than someones driveway.