That can be used for anything. From hiding the things we don’t like about ourselves, pronouncing the ones we do, or changing into a completely different person. Makeup is just another tool in an artist’s arsenal and for good reason. Since our bodies are just another canvas. What better way to express yourself than through makeup.
And so many talented people have taken this sentiment to a whole new level. Honestly, it surprises me how real all of the following looks do. And they weren’t even done with any prosthetics or scar gel which makes the 3d looking art even more impressive.
You can take a look for yourself down below.
Source: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube
She’s got a wild imagination. -KarenChaddock
Lol! That’s so cool. She’s wearing a paint on shirt! -old.wyverns
So amazing love this Sally from a nightmare before Christmas. -CarolynFox
Gives a whole new meaning to ‘ face lift’! -Laura Ingles
This is my fave, being a Walking Dead fanatic! -LaurieAnnCharest
This is not merely “cool” it is telling us to question everything, even reality, morality, humanity. -CleverFool
It’s alright I didn’t plan on sleeping anyway. -DolanPumpernickel
This looks like something from the purge. -Ava Lynn
The ballerina from cabin in the woods awesome. -CarolynFox
The strobe effect matches the movie and looks great. -VictoriaMost
Can somebody give me a flash course on how to made this? -GracelleRhea
WOW! One of the best Mileena makeups I ever saw! -TrissAuditore
I have never seen such perfectness, you need to get yourself in the film industry you could make a fortune. -RichardPetch
This one blurs the line between human and non-human. -CleverFool
Now all I see are sharks with noses. -OwenThornton
It’s looks like she’s been stung by a griever. -Lyla Littke
Love the colours. -Lyla Littke
Same one was done by somebody else on this. -Art Animal
Very talented I love this even though it’s scared the feck out of me. -MargaretMiskelly
Time ends where this girl begins. -Emily Hisel
Wow, i actually thought she was stuck with a nail. -Jade Carver
Yh finally a good star wars one. -JordanLee
Which one of these looks did you like the best? Comment down below and let us know. Don’t forget to share since this artist deserves a lot more attention than she is getting.